Who Am I?
I first heard the quiet whisper, “Come. Follow Me,” more than 20 years ago. That following has taken me through different states, churches, and ministry contexts. For so long, who I was depended on what I did - a wife, mom, homemaker, parent volunteer, lay ministry leader in church and parachurch ministries, or student.
It has taken great shifts in my spirit and increased awareness to move to a place where my actions no longer define who I am. My actions are definitely an outpouring of my identity, but not my actual identity. Still, the discovery process of “Who am I” is ongoing, which is evidence of the transformative work of God’s Spirit in my life.
Over the past few years, much of what I held dear has crumbled. What was is no longer; what is to be has yet to arrive. This is the liminal, the in-between. Still, new things, such as freedom, wholeness, and shalom, emerge in that liminal space as I abide in Jesus.
I have a Master of Divinity (emphasis in Spiritual Direction) and Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Global Perspectives, both from Portland Seminary. My research focuses on discovering ways to more fully embrace our humanity, so we are better equipped to care for the dying, dead, and grieving in our communities.
I serve as the Associate Director of Doctoral Programs and an Adjunct Professor at Portland Seminary. As a certified spiritual director, I companion those who are longing for the more of God in their everyday moments.
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